
Kingdom come deliverance best stealth gear
Kingdom come deliverance best stealth gear

kingdom come deliverance best stealth gear

Completing Ruin opens up ‘Raiders’, which is the same deal but you’re fighting Cumans instead. Whatever you choose, the feedback loop of clearing out the camp, looting the bodies and returning to Captain Bernard in Rattay for your reward is addictive, and we couldn’t stop until we’d banished every bandit in the land. Or you can do what we did and run straight down the middle and swing your mace. Run - the quest that involves you in an attempt to run away from the Talmberg castle. You can scout from high ground and snipe enemies with a bow. A good set of armor can be found by completing the side objectives of certain parts of the main quest.

kingdom come deliverance best stealth gear kingdom come deliverance best stealth gear

You can poison a wine skin or food pot and come back later to finish off the dying men. You can scare a bandit’s horse so it stampedes through the camp. The camps are fun to clear out and there’s more than a few ways to approach them. Bohemia’s countryside is full of bandits, and it’s your job to kill them all – and chop their ears off as trophies. Technically an activity rather than a side quest, but it’s still a worthy distraction.

Kingdom come deliverance best stealth gear